

3943 Irvine Blvd #201
Irvine, CA 92602

Invoice Number INV-200335
Invoice Date February 9, 2023
Total Due $4,028.64
Barnes and Noble

PO# 1206004902348

UPS Tracking for Our Class is a Family:
K245 385 580 0
K245 385 582 8
K245 385 581 9
K245 385 579 3

These two titles will be shipped separately.

Our Class is a Family will be shipped out the week of 2/9-2/16.

Nuestra clase es una familia will be shipped March 7 directly from the printer with an expected delivery of 3/13 or 3/14.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
320 Our Class is a Family- Paperback
240 Nuestra clase es una familia $11.990.00%$2,877.60
Sub Total $6,714.40
Tax $0.00
Discount -$2,685.76
Total Due $4,028.64

For Direct Bank Deposits:

Routing Number:

Account Number: