This math resource helps students practice 2 digit addition strategies (including break apart, open number line, hundred charts, and compensation) as well as make sense of word problems. It also focuses on student writing in math, specifically with how they explain their thinking in written sentences when they solve a problem. Students do exploratory and collaborative activities using an Addition Strategies Resource Book. After using it to practice their strategies, students can keep this book as a reference to go back to whenever they need help with problem-solving.
The download includes the following:
Detailed Teacher Guidelines
Addition Strategies Within 100 Resource Book for students
Post Assessments
Grading Rubrics for Pre and Post Assessments
Title & Headings for Chart
The Resource Book provides practice with the following strategies, and includes a blank template if you would like to use it to teach additional strategies:
Open Number Line
Hundreds Chart
Break Apart
In addition, it provides practice with 2 digit addition word problems using the Find, Know, Show, Solve strategy. It also has these visual references to help students with writing explanations about how they solved:
Mathematical Explanation checklist
Written Example
Sentence starter frames
Transition words
Academic Vocabulary (one visual with provided words, and also a blank template for the class to brainstorm their own)
Additional Simple Sentence Frames (for students who need extra support)
Please see the preview for pictures of all that’s included.
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