2D and 3D Shape Books


These mini 2D and 3D shape books can be used to introduce shapes and their attributes. You can pick and choose specific shapes to include in the book, or use them all. Have students keep these books to use as a reference tool throughout your geometry unit.



These mini 2D and 3D shape books can be used to introduce shapes and their attributes. You can pick and choose specific shapes to include in the book, or use them all. Have students keep these books to use as a reference tool throughout your geometry unit.

Using these books, students can:

  • Identify plane and solid (or 2D and 3D) shapes
  • Identify attributes such as the number of sides, vertices, faces, and edges and label them on the shape
  • Brainstorm real-life examples of each shape
  • Draw each shape (students love directed drawings of 3D shapes!)

This download includes:

  • Detailed instructions, along with a list of ideas of real-life examples of each shape included in the book
  • 2 book cover options (boy and girl)
  • Interior pages for practice with identifying the following shapes and their attributes: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism, pyramid
  • A Teacher “Cheat Sheet” of shapes and their attributes for your quick reference

Please see preview for all that is included.

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CCSS Standards

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Resource Type

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