Help students improve their writing by explicitly teaching them how to write compound sentences. This resource teaches kids how to produce and expand simple sentences into compound ones with a fun winter theme.
It includes:
-Snowman anchor chart template (4 versions, including color and black & white)
-Template for snowman craftivity (which can also be used as literacy center)
-Winter themed task cards for Write the Room, Scoot, or literacy center activity
-Answer recording sheets for task cards
Anchor Chart:
The snowman anchor chart template can either be projected onto a whiteboard and traced onto chart paper, enlarged and printed to poster size at a print shop, or simply projected onto a screen during instruction.
Template for Snowman Craft:
Students can make their own snowman like the one on the anchor chart while working to create a compound sentence from 2 simple sentences. 30 pre-made simple sentences on snowman stick arms are included.
Snowman Literacy Center:
The same snowman craft template can also double as a literacy center when printed and laminated. Students try putting different arms on the snowman to create different combinations of compound sentences. They can either write their sentences on the bottom middle part of the snowman in whiteboard marker and wipe off, or record them in pencil on provided answer recording sheets.
Write the Room activity:
Mix up the task cards and tape them visibly around the classroom. Students take an answer recording sheet with them around the room as they search for the cards. When they find a card, they read the 2 sentences on it and combine them to create a new compound sentence (conjunctions provided on the card). They write down the sentence they create in the box with the corresponding number on the card.
Scoot activity:
Place the task cards in sequential order on desks or around the classroom. Have individuals or small groups rotate to each new card when you say, “Scoot.”
Task Card literacy center:
Have task cards and answer sheets available at seated areas and students complete the tasks on each card individually.
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