Martin Luther King Jr. Character Education Writing Craftivity


This writing craftivity allows students to learn about one of the most famous quotes from MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, where he spoke of others being judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.

9 pages – 12 MB – Zip



This writing craftivity allows students to learn about one of the most famous quotes from MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, where he spoke of others being judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. Students are given the opportunity to think about what qualities make up their own character and what non-physical trait(s) they would most want to be known for by others.

You may choose to provide some sentence frames on the board that begin with MLK’s famous phrase:

I have a dream that others will know me for ________________.

I have a dream that I will be known for ________________.

I have a dream that I will be remembered for ________________.


Have students brainstorm ideas to fill in the blank. Examples of types of answers they might come up with: being kind, being a good friend, making people laugh, being helpful to others, etc.

Students can choose one of the sentence frames (or a variation), and write it on the lines of the writing page. They illustrate a picture to go with it, and color and cut out a paper topper and bottom of Martin Luther King Jr.

When displayed, these make for a beautiful bulletin board to celebrate MLK.

The download includes:

-Teacher guidelines

-4 options for writing page templates, including regular lines and primary dotted lines (see preview)

-Martin Luther King Jr. template for the top and bottom of writing paper


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CCSS Standards


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