Math Jenga Game Cards for 2 Digit Addition & Subtraction


This fun and engaging color Jenga game is perfect for spicing up math centers, review, or test prep. It contains problem solving and word problems for 2 DIGIT ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION, with and without regrouping.

16 pages – 912 KB – Zip



This fun and engaging color Jenga game is perfect for spicing up math centers, review, or test prep. It contains problem-solving and word problems for 2 DIGIT ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION, with and without regrouping.

These cards are to be used with this color Jenga set: Lewo Wooden Stacking Board Games Building Blocks for Kids.

Games can be played with partners or a small group. Students take turns rolling the color dice. For whichever color they roll, they select a card with that color. They read the problem aloud, and everyone in the group solves the problem and records their answer on their answer sheets. Students then compare their answers. If the student who rolled the dice answered correctly, they get to move a Jenga block that matches the color of their card.

This downloadable resource comes with:

-Game instructions

-Student answer recording sheets

-Color-coded game cards


Bundle and save when you purchase this game set in a Growing Bundle or MEGA Growing Bundle. You also get free access to all 2nd grade game sets that will be added in the future. Get it now at the current price!

Jenga Math Game Cards Growing Bundle for 2nd Grade

Jenga Math Game Cards MEGA Growing Bundle for 2nd Grade


See below for all available Jenga resources:

Blank Editable Cards (for any skill or subject):

Customize Your Own Editable Jenga Game Cards

Customize Your Own Editable Jenga Game Cards in Spanish

Customize Your Own Editable French Game Cards in French


Math Games:

Growing Bundle for 1st Grade

MEGA Growing Bundle for 1st Grade

Growing Bundle for 2nd Grade

MEGA Growing Bundle for 2nd Grade

0-20 Addition Fact Practice

0-20 Subtraction Fact Practice

2 Digit Addition and Subtraction Practice

3 Digit Addition and Subtraction Practice

Place Value

Telling Time

Counting Money

1st Grade Shapes & Geometry

2nd Grade Shapes & Geometry

Bundle for Multiplication & Division Facts 0-12


Reading/Language Arts Games:

Growing Bundle for Phonics

Bundle for Short Vowels

Bundle for Silent e CVCe

Bundle for Long Vowel Pairs

Bundle for R-Controlled Vowels

Growing Bundle for Grammar


Ending Punctuation & Commas

Parts of Speech

Bundle for Dolch Sight Words

Bundle for Fry Sight Words

Bundle for Fountas and Pinnell High Frequency/Sight Words

Bundle for Benchmark Advance High Frequency Words


Seasonal Games:

Editable Back to School and End of the Year Jenga Games Bundle

“FALL”ing Jenga ELA/Reading & Math Bundle

“Jenga Bells” Winter Holiday Math & ELA Bundle

Valentine’s Day “All You Need is Jenga” Math Bundle

St. Patrick’s Day Lucky Jenga: 0-20 Addition & Subtraction


Want FREE storage labels for your Jenga cards? Find them here:

Jenga Game Cards Storage Labels

Additional information

Grade Level

Resource Type

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CCSS Standards


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