Subject and Predicate Puzzle Pieces


These subject and predicate puzzle pieces can be used in various ways for students to practice sentence structure.

31 pages – 8 MB – Zip



These subject and predicate puzzle pieces can be used in various ways for students to practice sentence structure.

Here are just a few ideas for how to utilize them with your students:

-Use as visuals for your whole group subject & predicate lessons.

-Use for literacy centers. Matching, memory game, write the missing part, etc.

-Have half the class write just a subject and the other half write just a predicate. Then have them pair up with a partner and write the missing part of their partner’s sentence.

-Students write their own sentence and divide it into subject & predicate on the puzzle pieces.

-Give each student a puzzle piece. They walk around the room to try and find their partner with the missing part of their sentence.


The resource includes 32 large and 32 mini puzzle pieces with 32 pre-made sentences that can be used for whole group Mix Pair Share, reading/writing/literacy centers, work stations, etc. It also comes with 3 different template shapes of blank puzzle pieces for student to write their own subject and predicate of a sentence, as well as editable blank pieces for teachers to customize with their own subjects and predicates (suggestion: use names of students from your class, popular games or movies, etc.)

As a bonus, this download also includes a subject and predicate assessment that can be used as a practice page, quiz, or test.

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Resource Type


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CCSS Standards

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