“The Farmer in the Dell” for Parts of Speech: Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs


This is a fun, interactive, and engaging activity for students to practice and review parts of speech, including articles, adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, and prepositions.

34 pages – 285 MB – Zip



This is a fun, interactive, and engaging activity for students to practice and review parts of speech, including articles, adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, and prepositions.

It can be utilized in your classroom in a variety of ways, which are explained in the teacher guidelines included with the resource. Students brainstorm words for each part of speech on the poster. As a class, they sing the silly sentences they create to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell” (view the video preview to see it in action in the classroom). Choose different words from the list to create new songs! The activity works well in a whole group lesson, as well as in small groups, partners, and as a literacy center or early finisher activity. Many ideas for variations of the activity are included with the resource.

This download includes:

-Detailed teacher guidelines

-Black & White and Color student recording sheets, which can also be enlarged to poster size as a visual aide for whole group instruction

-Farmer in the Dell text & images, which can be cut out and attached to chart paper (in the case that you do not have access to a print shop to enlarge/print to poster size)

-Parts of Speech word strips that can be used for whole group instruction or word sorts in a Farmer in the Dell literacy center

-Circle Maps for each part of speech, in case you would like to focus on one specific part of speech at a time rather than all in one lesson

-Circle Maps with example words for each part of speech

Please see the preview for what is included with the resource.

View a video of this resource in action here: The Farmer in the Dell classroom video

Additional information

Grade Level

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Resource Type

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CCSS Standards

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