American Heroes Project


This is a fun, standards-based project to give your students after teaching a lesson or unit on American Heroes, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, etc.

9 pages – 1 MB – PDF



This is a fun, standards-based project to give your students after teaching a lesson or unit on American Heroes, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, etc. It is a Social Studies project that integrates Language Arts Common Core Standards.

Students choose an American hero to research and write about. The written component of the project requires them to use non-fiction text or on-line sources to answer questions in complete sentences. In addition, students do an oral presentation in front of the class where they speak from their hero’s point of view. They also get to dress in costume as their hero for the presentation.

The project comes with both printable and digital options (print paper copies or use with Google Slides). Use the ready-to-print directions and rubrics, or use the editable versions to meet your needs. This download includes:

-Directions for the project that can be sent home with parents/families.

-Grading rubrics, one for the written report and one for the oral presentation

-Printable writing paper for the writing portion of the report, with the choice of primary dotted lines or regular writing lines

-Google slides for students to type the writing portion (great for distance learning)

-A list of Common Core standards that this project covers. Just print the list needed for your grade level (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade lists are given). This list may be copied on the back side of the rubric.

This project can also be purchased in a bundle with other American Hero activities at a discounted price:

American Heroes Bundle

Additional information

Grade Level

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Resource Type


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CCSS Standards

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