Our Class is a Family Bookmarks


After reading aloud the book Our Class is a Family, these bookmarks make for great back to school or end of the year gifts for your students!

You can purchase them here for only $1.00, or if you’d like to sign up for my email list, they will be emailed to you for FREE.



After reading aloud the book Our Class is a Family, these bookmarks make for great back to school or end of the year gifts for your students! You can purchase them here for only $1.00, or if you’d like to sign up for my email list, they will be emailed to you for FREE.

Please note: This is a downloadable file to print and cut your own bookmarks (they do not come assembled).

Ideas/Suggestions for Use:

-Copy on cardstock and use a paper cutter to cut.

-Back each bookmark on another piece of color cardstock to give it a thin border or frame (and more durability).

-Laminate the bookmarks.

-Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the top center of the bookmark. Loop yarn, string, or a tassel through the hole as a decorative topper. Or keep it simple and leave them as is!

Hope your class family loves them!

*The images on these bookmarks are copyrighted and may not be used commercially for profit or in any reproduced form. Thank you!

Please click on the “Preview” tab to see everything that comes with this resource.

You might also like this discounted GROWING BUNDLE of extension activities for all 5 books by Shannon Olsen, which includes these resources and more:

Our Class is a Family Class Family Album

Our Class is a Family bookmarks

Our Class is a Family Memory Book for the End of the Year

Our School is a Family Book Companion

Collaboration Station Book Companions 

A Letter From Your Teacher: On the First Day of School Book Companion

A Letter From Your Teacher: On the Last Day of School Book Companion

Or this MEGA Growing Bundle, which includes all of the above, plus a whole school year’s worth of Our Class is a Family themed Morning Meetings for weekly class community building.





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