Want a meaningful extension activity to go along with the book Our School is a Family? This book companion (created by the author, Shannon Olsen) will help build school community, foster reading and writing skills, and is ideal for back to school time, school staff appreciation days, or any time of year!
It’s a “School Family Directory” to familiarize students with the various staff members at your school. It can help students with learning their names and their specific roles. The booklet also allows students to think of ways they can support school staff members in return, and show them appreciation.
*This bundle includes BOTH versions of the book companions for Our School is a Family by Shannon Olsen. One is the original version with writing prompts, and the other adapted version has options for letter-tracing and fill in the blank for beginning writers.
Why might you need a set of both versions? You may decide that you need to differentiate for the levels of student writers in your class. It will also allow you to accommodate any student on an IEP who may need modified writing assignments. You might also want to have a set of both if you anticipate possibly changing grade levels in the future.
The download for the original version contains:
- 2 cover options to choose from: Whether you’re doing individual student booklets or a whole class book (one that says My School Family and another that says Our School Family).
- School Staff Pages: These contain writing prompts and space for illustrations or real photos. There are both female and male versions of all clipart of the school staff members. You can select and print which pages you want, based on the genders of the different staff members at your school.
- Student Pages: These pages are included in addition to the staff ones for students to think/write about ways in which they are an important part of their school family too.
- Editable Pages: With the editable pages, you can change any of the writing prompts, or job titles at the top (in case your school calls any of them something else).
- Additional Staff Pages: Your school may also have additional types of staff members that are not already in the booklet. If you’d like to add any extra pages of your own, there are more editable pages for that, with various female and male clipart options.
The download for the adapted version contains:
- Booklet cover
- School and Teacher Pages: A page for students to write the name of their school, and a page to write their teacher’s name (with space to illustrate).
- Our School is a Family Page: A page that could go at the end of the booklet, for students to letter-trace and illustrate.
- School Staff Pages: There are both female and male versions of all clipart of the school staff members (for students to color). You can select and print which pages you want, based on the genders of the different staff members at your school.
- Student Page: This page is included in addition to the staff ones, so that students can remember that they are an important part of their school family too.
- Additional Staff Pages: Your school may also have additional types of staff members that are not already in the booklet. If you’d like to add any extra pages of your own, there are some editable pages for that, with various female and male clipart options.
*All of the School Staff Pages and Student Pages in the adapted version come with 2 different writing options:
- Letter tracing
- Fill in the blank – These pages can be utilized for students who don’t need the letter tracing, OR to customize with any of your own specific wording. For example, if your school might call a certain staff role something different, you can fill in the blank with your own handwritten lettering for students to trace.
The adapted version is a mini booklet. Copy the pages single or double sided, cut in half, and staple together to create mini the booklets.
There are more pages included with both resources than you will actually need. Pick and choose the specific pages you wish to include, based on your own school.
Here is a list of the School Staff Pages that are already included with both versions (you can also edit and add your own):
- Teacher
- Principal
- Assistant Principal
- School Secretary
- Librarian
- Custodian
- Janitor
- School Counselor
- Speech Teacher
- School Nurse
- Cafeteria Worker
- Crossing Guard
- Bus Driver
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Gym Teacher
- P.E. Teacher
- Aide
- Volunteer
- Student Teacher
Please click on the “Preview” tab to see everything that comes with this resource.
You might also like this discounted GROWING BUNDLE of extension activities for all 4 books by Shannon Olsen, which includes these resources and more:
Our Class is a Family Class Family Album
Our Class is a Family bookmarks
Our Class is a Family Memory Book for the End of the Year
Our School is a Family Book Companion
A Letter From Your Teacher: On the First Day of School Book Companion
A Letter From Your Teacher: On the Last Day of School Book Companion
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