Help students develop the speaking and listening skills necessary to work together collaboratively in partners and small groups. This resource can be used to introduce accountable talk stems, and posted in the classroom as a visual reference during collaborative learning.
For a literacy connection, this resource goes along with the book Collaboration Station. It contains 35 bubbles with sentence frames, in the very same style as the ones that are illustrated by Sandie Sonke in the book.
The download also comes with bulletin board letters, if you’d like to make this into an accountable talk bulletin board. 4 heading options are provided:
- Collaboration Station
- Collaborative Talk
- Accountable Talk
- Let’s Collaborate!
Print the letters in color on white cardstock, and cut them out to display as a heading at the top of the bulletin board.
The phrases on the bubbles are also organized by 6 different category types, which you might choose to include on the bulletin board. Bubbles could be placed underneath the specific category heading as a helpful reference for students:
- Agreement
- Disagreement
- Clarification
- Connections
- Ideas
- Encouragement
When introducing the sentence frames to your students, you could choose to display just one current category type on the bulletin board to focus on at once, or a mix of some or all categories at the same time.
Or you might start with just a few, and then continue to add to the bulletin board throughout the year, as you introduce new talking stems.
Hope these sentence frame bubbles are helpful for your collaborative classroom!
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